Remodulin Logo
Remodulin Logo

Follow-Up Visit at 1 Month

Physical Exam

  • SC Remodulin dose: 15 ng/kg/min
  • Heart Rate: 103 bpm (previously 115)
  • NT-proBNP: 1027 pg/mL (previously 1500 pg/mL)
  • Peripheral edema has resolved
  • Patient reports her SOB has improved and she has more energy, but is challenged to climb the flight of stairs at home

Treatment Plan

  • Continue to uptitrate Remodulin dose as patient tolerates
  • Have frequent phone calls with the patient and her SP to monitor tolerability and symptoms
  • See Emily again at 3 months and plan to do a full workup (ECHO, labs, 6MWD, physical exam, risk assessment)