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Other Tests to Suspect or Exclude Forms of PH

  • Medical History – rapid progression of symptoms (1 month), pre-syncope (signs of RV forward failure), new fluid retention (signs of RV backward failure)
  • VQ Scan – no segmental V/Q mismatches (CTEPH excluded)
  • CT Scan – Mild emphysema otherwise normal parenchyma
  • PFT – FVC 2.9L (76%); FEV1 2L (66%);  FEV1/FVC 69%; DLCO 61%
  • Overnight Oximetry – no significant oxygen desaturation
  • Lab – HIV nonreactive, ANA / RF negative
  • 6MWD – 350 m, desats to 84% but recovers quickly at rest

Emily’s symptoms are progressing rapidly, and her echo is consistent with suspicion for high risk of PH.


Her 6MWD is significantly impaired. Her PFTs and V/Q scan excluded WHO Group 3 and 4 PH, respectively.