Orenitram Logo
Orenitram Logo
Orenitram PIRemodulin PI


Transition Planning

Eleanor will be transitioning from Remodulin to Orenitram according to a 4-step process2

Target Daily Dose

Given the patient’s daily Remodulin dose of 52 ng/kg/min and weight of 76 kg, the dose conversion formula below provides an Orenitram total daily dose of 28.5 mg

Orenitram total daily dose (mg) =
0.0072 x Remodulin dose (ng/kg/min) x weight

Transition Plan

Eleanor will begin receiving increasing doses of Orenitram, as tolerated, while her dose of Remodulin is decreased accordingly

  • The dose of Remodulin can be reduced up to 30 ng/kg/min daily2
  • The dose of Orenitram can be increased up to 6 mg/day (2 mg TID), if tolerated2

Expected duration of transition: 5 days