Orenitram Logo
Orenitram Logo
Orenitram PIRemodulin PI

Safety & Tolerability Assessment

Patient notes that she has not experienced any nausea since her first 2 weeks taking Orenitram, and has not experienced any
new-onset side effects.

ADAPT Registry

In the real-world ADAPT registry that included any patients started on Orenitram (including de novo starts and patients who transitioned to oral treprostinil from other prostacyclin-class therapies), interim data showed that AEs with Orenitram typically improve within 6 months.6,7,8

  • 45% of patients reporting diarrhea during early therapy reported improvements by 6 months.
    • Loperamide was the most common treatment for diarrhea and was reported effective in 84% of patients at 6 months.
  • Among 57% of patients reporting headache during early therapy, 65% who completed the 6-month survey reported improvement.
  • 70% of patients who experienced nausea early in treatment reported improvements by 6 months.